One full-time job and two part-time jobs later, you are still facing challenges when it comes to your financial responsibilities. Rent is at an all-time high and utility bills are also expensive, leaving you wondering how to keep your phone connected. Seems out of...
Addison Hudson
Advanced Disaster Emergency Telecommunications Network in Anchorage, AK
The scenic state of Alaska draws many tourists to these vast lands so beautiful and remote. Since this region is made up of remote small towns and villages, having the ability to communicate with others is crucial for people living in this area. Learn why an advanced...
Finding the Perfect Low Voltage Lighting System in Kern County, California
The benefit of a low voltage system is that it runs on stepped-down voltage from the standard 120 volts in a normal household electrical system to 12 volts. This means the risk is reduced from potential electrical arcs over open spaces to a direct shock. Overall, this...
Tips for Interacting With Customers While Answering Service Calls
If you enjoy talking to people and you're capable of working with little supervision, then a job in a call center might be an option to consider. When you work in this career field, you need to know how to communicate in a professional manner so that the people you...
Myths About Firewall
You need an open source firewall with Linux in order to keep your network safe. Many people are reluctant to use a firewall because of all of the myths surrounding it. There are several firewall myths that need to be debunked.Myth: Firewall Slows Down Your...